Totten, Jennifer

 Welcome 6th Grade Scientists.

  • The 6th grade Science curriculum is now aligned to the new Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  Each unit or bundle begins with a phenomena that revolves around a science topic. Each bundle will require students to question, research, and record their observations and conclusions in a journal.  Students conclude each bundle by applying their new skills to a real life project using engineering principles.  


  • The NGSS breaks the 6th grade standards into 4 bundles.  


1. Body Systems -

  • Living things may be made up of one cell or many and varied cells.
  • A cell is a system made of parts that contribute to its function.
  • The human body is a system of interacting subsystems.


2.  Reproduction and Growth -

  • Multicellular organisms are made up of subsystems with specialized cells, tissues and organs that support organisms as they grow and reproduce.
  • Organisms (plants and animals) engage in characteristic behaviors or have features that increase the odds of successful reproduction.
  • Environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms.


3.  Energy Transfer

  • Energy is transferred in natural and designed systems, it can not be created or destroyed.
  • The total energy in a system depends on the types, states, and amounts of matter.


4.  Rising Global Temperatures

  • The cycling of water through Earth’s systems is driven by energy from the sun and the force of gravity.
  • Interactions between air masses results in changes in weather conditions.
  • The heating and rotation of Earth impacts regional climates.
  • Human activities have environmental impacts.

NGSS Science & Engineering Practices:

The practices are what students do to make sense of phenomena. They should not be taught separately; to engage in them requires coordination of both knowledge and skill simultaneously. They are not in any specific order.

  1. Asking Questions and Defining Problems

  2. Developing and Using Models

  3. Planning and Carrying Out Investigations

  4. Analyzing and Interpreting Data

  5. Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking

  6. Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions

  7. Engaging in Argument from Evidence

Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information


Science rules

All students are expected to have a separate three ring binder or a section of a 3-ring binder for science where all notes, handouts and homework will be kept.  Students are also expected to bring a pen or pencil and their CHARGED chromebooks to class every day.

Homework and classwork should be completed neatly and handed in on time. Homework will be given approximately 2-3 times per week.  All assigned class work, homework, notes, journal entries and labs missed will be the responsibility of the student. All homework assignments, including a digital copy of the ditto,  will be posted to Google Classroom as I assign them. You do not need to print the ditto, answers can be written on a separate sheet of paper and handed in during class.  

Please do not use Google Classroom to view missing assignments. All grades will be posted as quickly as I can to Power School.  Please continue to use PowerSchool, the Parent portal to view your child’s grades and missing assignments. 

If extra help or extra time is needed to finish an assignment, please contact me at least a day in advance to ensure there are no after school conflicts. 


It is very important for us to communicate. Please feel free to call me, write me a note in the student organizer or you can email me at [email protected] if you have any concerns. PowerSchool, the parent portal is also another way for you to communicate. You must sign-up for PowerSchool to receive your log in name and password.