Study and Homework Tips for Middle School Students



  1. Select a quiet place to study.
  2. Don't wait until the last minute.
  3. Use your daily planner for assignments.
  4. Dedicate a space for every class in your book bag.
  5. Stay organized throughout the year.
  6. Make study cards.
  7. Make your own study guide.
  8. Talk about assignments with friends.
  9. If you are struggling, ask for help.
  10. Make academics a focus in your life.


Homework Tips for Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers

  1. Communicate your belief that homework is an important part of learning. When you show that you're serious abouth homework, your child will take it more seriously.
  2. Make an agreement with your child about how much after-school time will spend doing homework each day. For middle-school students between 1 to 1 1/2 hours.
  3. Work with your child to establish a homework schedule and do your part to honor it.
  4. Provide a place where your child can work. It should be comfortable, lit, and free from distractions.
  5. Create a "homework kit". Include: pencils, erasers, dictionary, rulers, etc. Include anything they may need and put it into a plastic container.
  6. Remember that your child's homework is his/her responsibility, not yours. You are only responsible for providing a place where he/she can work.
  7. What if your child forgets his/her homework? Or what if the teacher doesn't give any homework on a day? Your child should use the time to work on some other type of learning activity. Example: looking at a newspaper, reading a book, writing a story, or learning about a new topic.

How to Handle Homework Problems

Problem: Your child refuses to do homework.

What to do: First, find out if the material is too easy or too difficult. It it's to hard, it might be impossible for him to do. You can ask his/her teacher for a conference to discuss a way to modify or change the homework to better suit the needs of your child.


Problem: Your child always asks you for help with his/her homework

What to do: It's okay to spend some time with your child to clarify the directions. But please do not teach your child. You are not responsible for teaching your child what she hasn't learned in school.

Your child has difficulty staying organized

What to do:  First, Customize homework rules.  Show her how to use a plan book or calendar to write down assignments.  Establish a quiet workspace.